Why is it we get so ‘star struck’ and befuddled when we meet someone we admire.. someone ‘famous’? We seem to get all goofy, nervous trip over our words..

After hearing that Brian got tickets to go to a talk by Soledad O’Brien yesterday morning.. I had enough nervous energy to light up NYC I think.

What would I say to her if I had the chance to speak to her. Would I do what I normally do when faced with someone ‘famous’? Which is to act like a complete groupie geek?

I determined that I wouldn’t and so from the moment I confirmed that I would actually be able to have a sitter for the kids and go I ran through my mind what would I say.. how would I say it, what would she say.. and I ran it through different scenarios all day long in the back of my mind.

Still, when the time came, and she walked out of the green room after the talk and was walking toward me I hesitated, I almost didn’t call out.. and ask for a moment of her time.. I almost retreated into that inward awkwardness that haunts me and prevents me from doing a lot of things. But I didn’t, she had said during her talk that as she went around the world that she was inspired by people and I was determined to let her know that she had inspired me to start Purls of Hope.. and to hopefully make a bit of a difference.

So I stepped forward and did it. And it was awesome. I thanked her for keeping the story of the plight of people in Pearlington, MS and other towns effected by Katrina in the forefront. She told me about being there over Easter and that the conditions are still horrible down there. She didn’t know when the piece they are putting together would air but that Angela would know. ( so look for updates here and on the Purls of Hope site soon) She is a genuinely nice, and caring person, who’s heart goes out to the people she reports about.

I am very glad I got the opportunity to meet her, and speak with her even just briefly. And though I have no complete recolection of what I was said.. I think it went ok. and I didn’t do anything embarassing.. or totaly geeky!! Thank you again Brian!!!!


(sorry .. no pic.. Brian had stepped away because he had seen a pair of glasses someone had dropped and came back at the last moment.. and Soledad  reached out and shook his hand as he was just about to ask to take a pic..ah well.. no good deed goes unpunished as they say!)

I did get some knitting done.. I almost finished up my little square for Warming Grace while we waited for the talk to start.. but they kept shifting the seats around and we kept getting to move forward, and ended up sitting right up in front in front of Brian’s boss..(who had given him the tickets) So that’s alright I can get it done while the kids do school work today.. And hopefully make a blue one to send along too. Off to write a little thank you email to Brian’s boss for the tickets!! Later!


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