Just deserts…

Caleb woke up early today. He was so happy. We played and giggled over the antics of the kittens. He has such a sweet giggle.

Then he started feeling sick.. and I started having to change a few more diapers than usual.. then everything exploded.. well actually I mean Caleb. Jaxom got up and I was walking into the room to hand him his plate of eggs and boom Caleb throws up all over the place..

so faster than a super hero I snag up a plastic box we keep toys in, dump out the toys, stretch myself in two directions across the room. Plate of eggs aimed toward Jaxom, as far away from the other arm that is balancing the bucket under Calebs chin to catch whatever else is coming! ” Quick quick take your eggs!” I was teetering dangerously close to a Russian split by the time he woke himself up enough to get over the shock of what was happening and grab the plate from my hand..

Poor little guy spent the rest of the morning alternating between getting his diaper changed and using the bucket. Thankfully now he is sleeping. Hopefully he will sleep it off.



Brian realising my predicament after I emailed came home early for lunch time.

And he came home with this:

Ahhhh just deserts...


They are having a special breakfast at the office this morning for a big client. Now.. this client is one I remember from when I was there. The mention of his name still give me the twitches..He is the owner of a large chain of car washes..OI!! What a guy.. I wonder if the tech support staff still cringe when they know he is on the other end of the line! Tough to please! His favourite quote about our product was “You said you sold me a cadillac and all I got was a VW bug..”.. ahhh.. I will enjoy this nice treat doubly.. for I have earned it..


3 responses to “Just deserts…”

  1. That picture makes the muffin look SOOOOO much smaller than it really was!

  2. Or maybe I’m just hungry since I didn’t take any for myself!

  3. Hi! Thanks so much for your e-card. I think your idea to send one everyday is brilliant and very sweet. Especially with sick babes on your hands….

    Good luck! :)….

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