
I have enough yarn to make 6 sweaters..probably even 7..In my search to find the perfect yarn to make Brian a sweater I have accrued enough yarn to make him 4. Hmm. I think I should do something about this.

My latest aquisition came from Janette. If you have not been to her ebay store Janette’s Rare Yarns.. go now..run! .. I’ll wait.. go ahead, really I don’t mind!

You see Jannette has these fun contests. I love a good brain teaser so they are right up my alley. They are knock out contests so you keep going till you get a question wrong. Well this means they can go on for a while.. quite a while.. I mean months! They often go on so long that Jannette, and those participating forget what the heck the prize was in the first place.  In the last contest I was knocked out on the very last question. I tried.. I really really tried. I was out of town at Rhinebeck, very limited in internet access, and just could not get the one answer. (there were 5 questions in that round) Jannette being the wonderful person she was said she would send me a consilation prize. I thought oooh great! She will send me a couple balls of yarn, or some knitting notions or something. No here is what she sent me:

Picture 273.jpg


When she tries to console someone she really CONSOLES someone.. That is like enough to make me like two sweaters.. I was floored! Brian took one look at it and said.. oooh you could make me a practice sweater with that.


So thursday night I cast on.. yep. I am finally making a sweater.

Picture 274.jpg



2 responses to “Yarnvalanche!”

  1. Yay for sweaters!

  2. I’m off to check out her yarns….ahem, I mean the contests. 😉

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