I seem to be going backwards..

Wow.. just how long can jet lag get a person? I seem to be headed back into California time rather than out of it!

Of course that late night at the hospital probably didn’t help any..after we got back though it got worse!

Brian sprained his ankle on the steps.. rather badly. So a late night got even later. Helping get him ice and such.

Poor guy. He is still hurting!

Needless to say we slept in the next morning. That is until the doorbell rang..

You guessed it. It was the neighbor with the dog.

She was actually quite reasonable. I was totally not able to get down there to talk to her, Brian did. I felt like a jelly fish and had no voice. Anyway. Seems time has cooled things off a bit and she gave us the bill for the vet which is extremely reasonable ( I need to look into that vet!) and just left it at that.

The worst thing is that her daughter, who had recently made great strides in her fear of dogs, is now fearful again. That was my worst fear.. and I feel very badly about it.

I will consult with my cousin who is a vet, and see if there is anything she can reccomend as far as curbing Rudy’s aggressiveness. Rudy is nearly 8 so she is headed over the crest of the hill.. and is showing signs of slowing down in many ways but she still has that ‘protect the nest’ attitude that gets her in trouble.

Well anyway.. any thought of anyone who has experience in this are welcome!

For now one of my favourite shots from vacation…

Julian’s Sandy Feet

If you want to see more Brian has them up on his Facebook account; just click here. (you have to have a Facebook account to see it though! Sorry to those who don’t!)


4 responses to “I seem to be going backwards..”

  1. Hi Denise,
    You have been officially tagged by me to write a post on your blog, showing The Face Behind the Blog… I thought this would be fun and plus I was tagged so I had too…LOL

  2. Amanda Avatar

    Alright – just looking at that picture gives me texture issues…. ewwwwwwwwww

  3. You know, my pup Eddie has some aggressive tendencies as well. Most of the time he’s a total wimp, but he is part chow, so it’s buried in there somewhere! When we first got him, we read up on puppies and such and one thing we learned is that dogs tend to be aggressive when they feel the have to fend for themselves. In other words, you weren’t there to protect Rudy and the home, so Rudy felt like she HAD to do it. When my hubby is gone, Eddie gets much more protective of me. It’s amazing how these doggies work! So maybe in the future, if you leave town, find a house for pup to go, instead of trying to leave her home. I know the worst thing you can do is force them to play. That would go against the pup’s instincts and make her very confused and put here in that “fend for herself” mode. Well, it’s just my thoughts, anyway……

  4. Denise didn’t say that the neighbor had come into the yard and surprised both Rudy and a couple days before and when Rudy barked at her, the neighbor raised a stick and started yelling at the dog sitter and Rudy in a furious fashion.

    Our dog sitter is Rudy’s favorite person in the world – bar none. They are just a perfect match. And Rudy was alone and guarding the house – with baby kittens in it. So the next time the neighbor came out of the house – this time with her dog, She snipped at the dog and warned it off. Frankly I don’t find this surprising behavior for a dog. That’s the way dogs are especially one that is protective over babies even if they aren’t her own. I don’t blame Rudy on this one. If she wanted to hurt a dog that was 1/16 her size, she could have.

    Anyway, I’m really commenting because THIS is the link to the photo albums…

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