Month: May 2007

  • How To’s-Day: Darning Socks!

    You spend hours and hours knitting a sock, you wear them,love them, show them off with shoes chosen specially for their’ hand knit sock showing off qualities and then BAM! They spring a hole! What is a person to do? You could use the Yarn Harlot method.. shouting loudly DARN SOCKS as you stand over the trash…

  • Now even your Neopet can knit!

    My two oldest children love to play on line on the Neopets site. They have virtual pets that they have to feed and take care of. They can even buy items for them by playing games and getting Neo-points. The other day my daughter brought to my attention that she could buy knitting kits for…

  • To Each Their own..or How do you loom?

    My editor called out of the blue yesterday and posed a question to me that she had been asked by the teachers at one of the ‘big box’ craft stores. Apparently they were doing knitting loom classes, using the Knifty Knitter, and had my book. Their question was.. why were my directions opposite of the…

  • The Shopping List..

    Size 3 32″ circular needle, so I can make the Fiddlehead Scarf I bought the ‘kit’ for at Rhinebeck 300 yards of Manos de Urguay or other similar wool to knit up the felted ‘yoga’ bag from Loom Knitting Primer to carry my softball bats in! Some kind of bulky-ish cotton yarn. A yarn meter..perhaps…