I made the cover!!!

Well what a nice suprise this is!!



That’s my loom on that cover!! hehehe

Get your own free catalog!..CLICK HERE

They have a great free pattern of the day thing going on at their main website. Most of the patterns are crochet!

Ok.. after I posted this I was thinking.. this is just so surreal. I mean a few years ago if you had told me I would be:

a.knitting on knitting looms

b. designing patterns for them

c. writing a book about it

d. having something I made on the cover of a craft supplies catalogue

I would have seriously asked you what you were drinking.. or smoking or both!


Again Stephanie said it yesterday.. I saw this cover and I was like oh wow that’s cool.. and then the next minute it was like.. ok I have to go sort the laundry and wash up some dishes and write out lists for the kids to pack up for the church retreat this weekend.

Meanwhile.. people are buzzing around me saying things like.. oooh I never knew an author before and wow when can we get a signed copy and all that!

And here I am just a regular joe..SAHM who is lucky to brush her hair on a regular basis let alone get a shower.. it’s just weird!! It’s cool and all and then at the same time it’s no biggie because.. well life goes on..diapers need to be changed, and dinner is burning on the stove!!


3 responses to “I made the cover!!!”

  1. that is awesome!!

  2. No really – she’s not joking! Dinner is burning on the stove right now!


  3. look how cool! glad i found you again denise! my bloglines stopped showing your new posts! i had to add you again, no problem 😉

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