Month: July 2008

  • Party Time!!

    Bethany is having a Blogiversary party over at her blog Getting it Pegged, an dshe asked us all to join in on the fun by answering a few questions. What was your age when you first discovered your love of yarn?  What (or who) was it that introduced you to all that fibery goodness?  Well…

  • A New Knitter?

    Last night Azia and I arrived at District conference. I was sitting and knitting a bit while the kids were playing games. A little girl was watching me and asked me “How to you do that?” And so I showed her. She asked “Can I try?” I said sure! So I let her try a…

  • Grand Opening of my New Pattern Gallery!

    Excuse my dust while I finish up renovating my pattern page. I have reorganized it so hopefully it is easier to find what you want! So hop over and check it out! There is also a discount code over there so make sure you check it out thoroughly! Take a moment to leave a comment…

  • Bookish Thursday: Unexpected Knitting

    A while back I showed you all a stack of books I had planned to go through. Well I have gone through some of them, gotten a few more in the interim and gotten back to the stack. (especially since I have moved them all downstairs so they are right here behind me! SO back…