Month: July 2008

  • Wordy Wednesday:That’s it.. I’m committed..

    Or at least I should be… I have one big knitting addiction. Briar Rose Fibers. I CANNOT no matter how resolute, walk past, enter and exit or otherwise glance at their booth at ANY festival without buying something. In fact, they know me on sight as ‘the birthday lady’ because I always spend my birthday…

  • Book Sightings!

    I was totally surprised to see copies of the new book Loom Knitting Pattern Bookprominently displayed at my local Joann’s store the other day.. I was equally pleased to see it in my Crafter’s Choice email.. Cool eh? Now I have some Tuesday To Do’s to do.. so keeping with the every other week schedule…

  • There’s This Quilt…

    I have a quilt upstairs on my quilt rack that is from my grandmother’s house. When I was young, used to wake up under it whenever I stayed there overnight. I love to walk by it and touch it. When I  touch it with my eyes closed I can envision myself back there.. upstairs in…

  • A Star is Born

    Well here is that colorful project. This is what it looked like before we left for Richmond, and it’s what it looks like now! I hope to finish it up this week, write up the pattern, and make some bonus video tutorials.. I had hoped to finish it  before we left so I could use…