A Great Project and How You can Help!


I was recently contacted BY Andrea . Her mother had given her a challenge to make 21 hats for charity by October. So she started knitting. Loom knitting that is!

She chose the Honeycomb Hat pattern from my site and went to town!

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Just   she emailed me and let me know that she had already reached the goal of 21 hats! In fact she has recently hit hat # 34.   Here it is..


She is wondering how many more she can get done by the October deadline. At this rate who knows?

Well. It seems to me all these hats need some scarves to go with them, or mittens!

So here is my challenge to you: knit a scarf or mittens to donate to be sent with the hats. Send me a comment, and I will be glad to give you the mailing address where you can send the items so that  and her mom can add them to the care packages they are sending out.

Come on! If Andrea can knit that many hats.. then hey if each of us sends her a scarf she can match them up and double the gift she is sending!!


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